OpenELEC R11170

May 29, 2012

Here’s the latest build for OpenELEC.

The GZ has the relevant files so you don’t need to re-create the SD image (this is an upgrade in other words, have a look at the update guide for more info)

Strictly speaking you only need the Kernel and System files, if for some reason the updater does not pick up the update rename the files so they are KERNEL and SYSTEM (upercase)

Download the release (note : moved to dropbox to help with bandwidth)


As some people have asked, and struggled to make the SD using the DD tools (probably due to slight differences in SD cards size/layout), here’s a quick rundown on how to make your own. (need a unix style system, not tried on MacOSX but should work with little mods)

Unpack the file somewhere

mkdir ~/OpenELEC

mv ./OpenELEC-r11170-29-05-2012.tar.gz ~/OpenELEC

cd ~/OpenELEC

tar -zxvf OpenELEC-r11170-29-05-2012.tar.gz

Then follow this procedure to make your own SD natively (oh and my system mounts the SD card as /dev/sdb, yours might not so change appropriately, oh and you may have to either sudo su or add sudo to the start of the lines so your SuperUser)

  1. parted -s /dev/sdb mklabel msdos (removes all partitions)
  2. parted -s /dev/sdb unit cyl mkpart primary fat32 — 0 16
  3. parted -s /dev/sdb set 1 boot on (creates the Fat32 boot partition)
  4. parted -s /dev/sdb unit cyl mkpart primary ext2 — 16 -2 (creates an extended partition with the remaining space)
  5. mkfs.vfat -n System /dev/sdb1
  6. mkfs.ext4 -L Storage /dev/sdb2 (puts the filesystems on the partitions)
    partprobe (Get the local kernel to refresh the partinfo)
  7. cp start.elf /media/System/
    cp bootcode.bin /media/System/
    cp loader.bin /media/System/
    cp SYSTEM /media/System/
    cp kernel.img /media/System/ (Assuming your SD has mounted as /Media/????, if not obviously replace the names)
  8. echo “dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 root=/dev/ram0 rdinit=/init boot=/dev/mmcblk0p1 disk=/dev/mmcblk0p2 ssh debugging” > /media/System/cmdline.txt (this creates the boot parameter file, and has the debugging mode enabled CTRL-ALT-F3/CTRL-ALT-F1)

That should get you up and running, then you can use the standard OpenELEC update method afterwards.

And now back to NasBerry………

Filed in: NasBerryPi

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