
February 29, 2012

It seems that the two suppliers (RS and Farnell) have struggled with traffic this morning! Farnell is still struggling now, although if your patient, and have a decent F5 key then you can still pre-order yours with them, and there’s always RS on Friday if your lucky.modelb_blue_label

Either way, let us know if you’ve got one coming and what your looking forward to using it for…. besides a NAS.

Oh and they have something exciting to announce as well soon, a sister site that will extend the functionality of NasBerryPi using, you guessed it, another RaspberryPi.

The other great news announced is that the Version A product will get a RAM bump as well, so it too get’s 256mb of Ram up from the 128Mb that it was originally having.

Filed in: NasBerryPi

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